What is your story of creation? [Is Giotto di Bondone the founding father of the Renaissance in Italian painting?]

Class Assignment: Read about Giotto di Bondone at the Padova Musei Civici website. Visit the Scrovegni Chapel online here: http://www.cappelladegliscrovegni.it/index.php/en/. Choose one image from the Scrovegni Chapel that resonates with your heart and inspires you to respond to art through willingness to talk about the image and your response. Bring the image to the first class meeting (either as a print out, a link, a sketch, a paragraph description you write . . . just bring the image with you in some way that will allow you to remember both the image and your response). Note, there is no limit to your imagination here — feel free to start reading more about Giotto, or the early Renaissance in Italy, or related topics as you feel more inspired. Curiosity is a great way to jump start your ideas and stimulate your independent research. After all, aren’t ALL “renaissance people” also autodidacts? What do YOU think about the story of creation, early Italian Renaissance art, and art in general? How do you think students should begin the dialog of learning about Italian art? (Grazie in anticipio per gli suoi buoni studi, ci vedremo presto. Thank you in advance for your efforts, we’ll see each other soon.)